from the plate to the bathroom
A successful customer experience results from the sum of emotions. With Trone, great design extends to your restaurant toilets to create surprise, enchantement...emotion. Offer your customers a memorable experience they'll want to talk about for a long time.
unforgettable experience
Watch the magic unfold inside the water tank of Icone01, caress the ceramic surface of Kaoline, study the new and unexpected curves of Orbe... each Trone piece surprises, stands out, and creates the experience within every restaurant.
everything but accessories
Whether it's our toilets, sinks, or accessories, each piece has been designed to surprise, evoke desire, and harmonize seamlessly. The customer experience is played out in the mastery of details, and when it comes to the details of comfort, we master them.
a short supply chain
Our toilets, sinks, and accessories are crafted from ceramic to match seamlessly together. We source our craftsmanship in France and Italy. Just like the food on your plate, local is always better.
surprise within 2 m²
The customer experience should be perfect from plate to bathroom. That's why Trone also reinvents the entire toilet cabin. Two square meters boasting a unique aesthetic will leave no customer indifferent.